Lalita Devi and Goddess Chandika are not two but actually one. Mother is infinite and represents the entire creation or the ALL, the sum total of existence.
We rest in faith and victory with the sweet feelings of oneness knowing that there is nothing in the creation that is seperate from her or us.
Both of these Mothers, Lalita Devi and Chandi Maa are not two but One.
The boundaries of the Divine Mother's womb is unfathomable and not worth trying to comprehend.
However endless she may be, her total attention is on each individual. She knows everything about our lives and is arranging all of the circumstances of the creation.
She is all protection and the essence of the most inviting refuge.
Rest in the sweet love and affection of Divine Mother.
Awaken Your Soul
We respectfully welcome all to join us!
This Holy temple offers recognition of the Divine Mother in Her most powerful forms.
The vibrations of this temple awaken souls to the knowledge of Mother's all encompassing and ever loving presence.
As children of Mother, we respectfully welcome every soul with pure love regardless of race, nationality, gender or orientation
Sacred Location
Temple located on confluence of two rivers
The Lalita Chandika Temple is auspiciously located on the sacred confluence of two rivers - the Yuba River and the Feather River.
This is the only temple in Northern California dedicated for the study, devotion, and celebration of Divine Mother in the form of Lalita Devi and Chandi Maa.
The entire creation is Divine. Nothing exists outside this creation, therefore everything is Divine.
It is easy and natural to see the creation as coming from the Grand Creator as a Divine Mother.
We give the highest regard to all women and female energy as the manifestation of the Divine Mother with the quality of loving, caring, nurturing and liberating all beings.
Through proper thinking, acting and practices, we experience and resonate with supreme Divinity.
We perform pujas to the Gods and Goddess' every day. We offer public worship and satsangh on the weekends.
We often host spiritual Gurus and advanced practitioners who will teach, conduct spiritual discourses, and give blessings.
We accept all and judge none. Love is first and foremost, the beginning and the end, all that matters.
Our community welcomes all faiths and cultures without prejudice. Divine Mother has given birth to All.
Recognizing this truth leads to the easy acceptance and love of the entire Universe with all of its natural diversity.
With faith comes fearlessness. One who walks in God has supreme faith and has abandoned fear.
Fear not, doubt not - know thyself! Finding your "rock of faith" is a major milestone and goal in life.
The vibrations and energy of the Lalita Chandika Temple have no discrimination and act as a catalyst to unlock the strongest faith in God.